Sunday, September 12, 2010

4th Round FP Draft?

Note: this rule suggestion is independent from the Compensatory Pick suggestion (above).
Do we want / need a 4th round of FP drafting?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Personally, I think that it's too easy to horde FPs and keep them in your FP pool for too long (i.e. their first two NHL seasons). Another round would take even more guys out of our game.

    Clearly, my personal bias is to have as many guys in play and available as possible.

  3. See above. I like this rule. Know if someone loses more than one draft pick it should go up. you lose two prospects you get a third rounder. you lose three you get a second rounder. you lose four you get a second rounder and a forth rounder. NO first rounder. and these NEW picks should be un-trade able.

  4. Definitely contributes to a further reduction n pool depth if we are hoarding more and more FPs. I can see it being possible that everyone will carry 25 FPs...not just me.

    Oh, and I inherited all those lame-duck FPs. I do not plan to carry that many in perpetuity. I will be releasing 6 this year.

  5. No.
    3 rounds is plenty. And people seem to struggle with that as it is.
