Sunday, September 12, 2010

Future Prospects Drop Dead Date

Should there be mandatory reasons for a team to lose an FP off their roster?

  • Because they are dead?
  • Because they have retired?
  • Because they have played in Europe for 7 years?
  • Because, really, is there any hope that player ever gets called up?


  1. Maybe a hard cap of 5-years? However, that being said, it makes me feel better about my own agedness when I see Future Prospects who are older than me.

  2. If they aren't playing in 5 years of being drafted they should be dropped or called up. (this should exclude goalies though)

  3. The fact that an FP that is dead is still in the pool, having died in October of 2008, is ridiculous. Guys who retired from professional hockey in 2007?

  4. I don't think there should be a time limit if they are still playing professional hockey somewhere.

    Isn't this why we instituted a cap of 20 FPs. If you want to keep picking and already have the max, then you would be forced to cut the deadwood. Give this time.

  5. The current cap for FPs is 25 per team, I propose (as part of a different post) that we reduce the max list to 20.

    That said, I also think that at the very least we should have a 10 year rule. I mean if they can't make it in 10 years, realistically are they ever going to make it?

  6. 10 year rule works for me... I guess I'll be losing some future superstars though! ;)

  7. Already thought it was 20 max for some reason, so no issue with that. And 10 years works for me as well.
