Friday, September 17, 2010

Waivers and buyouts

I love this idea!!!

Speaking as someone who knows, as I have poured over the financial
records of every team in every single year...

12 times owners have paid between $30 and $39.99
3 times owners have paid between $40 and $49.99
1 owner has paid $80.15

That works out for more than 1 of these every year. Who will it be
this year????

That's how the pot grows.

Owner puts a player on waiver in summer. No one bites - 100% of cost
Someone bites, the taker gets him for 75%, but the seller still has to
pay 50%.
Some incentive both ways. It is attractive to the seller as they get
rid of a body at a discount, but do they really want to give a player
to osomeone else at the discounted rate?? This could increase the
pot, and make ppl think twice about who/what they buy out.

2 cents.


  1. Who the hell is Boxcar?? I know who it is, but not everyone will...

  2. I think that waiver pickups should be for the full salary, otherwise toss the player back into the FA pool.

    However a second thought I had was: what if teams that buy players out are still responsible for some portion of the contract against their salary cap (similar to how the NHL manages this).

    This would penalize teams a little bit and cause them to really consider whether that buyout is worth it.

    I know from a personal point of view it would stop me from thinking about buying a player out simply to resign him at a lower rate on Bidding Day.

  3. I would definitely be sensitive to buyouts if a percentage carried over in to the following season(s).

    I still like the idea of getting a break if someone claims your buyout (-50% of total) and the claimant getting a reduced price contract (-25% of posted value)

    Like I said, it provides benefit to the original owner, but also would lead them to be cautious about buying out players. It also leads to a net increase in the pot while providing a discount to 2 owners....that is the most important feature I think.

  4. I like the idea of 25% of the buyout hitting your cap in each of the remaining seasons in the contract.

  5. Although with that cap hit for an extended period of time, it would reduce the number of long-term contracts offered even further. As it is at the moment, there aren't alot of long-term contracts as it is.

    I'm all for some form of penalty for buyouts, 25% seems reasonable. Although why don't we add a ceiling of 7.00$ and if you go above it than the penalty kicks in?? In certain instances throughout the years people have died, and with the KHL snapping up players, sometimes buyouts are unavoidable.
